
Standard material, representing phong reflection face. Extends from Material.


new G3D.StandardMaterial(mesh);
name type description
mesh G3D.Mesh the mesh the material is on


name type description
ambientColor {r: Number, g: Number, b: Number} ambient color
ambientTexture G3D.Texture ambient texture
ambientSource enum {Material.COLOR, Material.TEXTURE} whether to use ambient color or texture
diffuseColor {r: Number, g: Number, b: Number} diffuse color
diffuseTexture G3D.Texture diffuse texture
diffuseSource enum {Material.COLOR, Material.TEXTURE} whether to use diffuse color or texture
specularColor {r: Number, g: Number, b: Number} specular color
specularTexture G3D.Texture specular texture
specularSource enum {Material.COLOR, Material.TEXTURE} whether to use specular color or texture
glossiness Number glossiness, from 1 to 1000
envMapTexture G3D.Texture env map texture
useEnvMap Boolean wether to use env map